Monday, 16 June 2014

Behind Every Click Is A Consequence...

Meera, a 9 year old girl living in Chittagong, has the cure for cancer in her mind. But she is sent to work in the local garment factory and never attends school so we can purchase disposable clothes from Primark. 

Lee-Wu is getting ready to board the fishing boats tonight. He sees the world in numbers but instead of sitting at a desk and unleashing his potential he pulls up nets full of prawns so we can eat cheap seafood. 

Luke lives in Sapa. Ten years ago he devoured the words in scientific journals he read online. Now tourists come to spend their sterling and he's too tired after standing on the streets begging for money to read when he gets home.

How many Nobel prize winners have we lost? How many doctors, nurses, engineers, scientists, economists, authors, electricians, plumbers, designers, mathematicians...

Globalisation of supply chains for many of our favourite products robs millions of children in the less developed world of an education. Tourism steals their fertile minds from the classroom and brings them into the streets. It all starts with us. The minute we click on our mouse. The second we purchase a product...Is it worth it?

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