Saturday, 1 November 2014

Departure Lounge, which way?

Coming soon to a place near you
Some shelter. A hot meal. No begging too. 
British manners
Un artful planners
One side gleams
The other screams
Help me. Feed me. Guide me.
The window winds up
The smell dissipates
Her mouth immitates
You look away
Disgusted with yourself
This is India
Departure lounge, which way?
Independence gone
Dust makes you cough
Cricket cures all
But a bust awaits
Not stomachs though
Another life pops
Two more burst through
The covers. The deities. The Misfields. The additction to glue.
This is India
Departure Lounge, which way?
The American Dream
But you can't be a millionaire
The british class system
But no healthcare
Trickle down effect
Dismiss it as a tickle
Horns sounds. Warning made. Get run over or out of the way.
This is india
Departure lounge, which way?